Our Ask: Support the work SURJ Bay Area and our partner organizations do around gentrification and displacement by donating here. Bay Area renters face the highest rent burdens in the country and too many residents—especially Black and Brown families—are forced to leave behind the homes, neighbors, and communities they love. This crisis is fueled by racist housing policies that continue to enrich wealthy developers and corporate landlords at the expense of working-class residents. If you missed our blog post yesterday, read more here on why gentrification is NOT inevitable, and why the burden of our housing crisis falls disproportionately on working-class Black and Latinx Bay Area residents.
SURJ Bay Area not only actively moves it's members to make significant contributions of money and time but also to collaborate with Black and People of Color-led groups organizing to resist and remain in the Bay. Causa Justa :: Just Cause (CJJC) is one organization that moves working-class Black and Brown communities to build political power, fight for resident decision-making regarding development, and push our government to prioritize immigrant and tenant rights. CJJC organizes to pass rent control measures, stop evictions, and win stronger renters’ protections in both the Bay Area and throughout California. CJJC’s wins in the last two years include Measure Y and Measure JJ, which significantly strengthen rent control and eviction protections in Oakland. CJJC also challenges displacement through its tenants’ rights clinic, educating tenants on legal recourse against landlords, and fighting illegal rent increases and evictions. Rent control and increased protections for housing-vulnerable tenants CANNOT wait. Donate today to support the work of CJJC as they continue fighting our destructive housing and displacement crisis. Today is the second day of our 2018 #12DaysToShowUp fundraising campaign. SURJ Bay Area has a principle of passing on, without condition, at least half of all funds we raise to local racial justice organizations led by People of Color, including Causa Justa/Just Cause. The rest will be used to fund under-resourced rural SURJ chapters throughout the country, and to continue our work mobilizing white people in the Bay Area. Donate today to help us reach our year-end fundraising goal of $30,000. In addition to this donation, we encourage you to send matching donations directly to people of color-led organizations doing important work in the Bay Area and beyond. Comments are closed.
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July 2024