By Eli Kaplan The moratoriums on evictions in California will end soon, and renters across California who were unable to pay rent during the COVID-19 emergency will suddenly face months of back rent and the possibility of homelessness. Millions of people have lost their jobs, and with huge numbers of tenants potentially facing eviction, we need to act now to protect renters and keep people off the street. Join us in supporting AB 1436, an important piece of State housing legislation aimed at protecting renters against eviction. SURJ Bay Area’s Policy Committee is urging people to pitch in and promote this important piece of State housing legislation related to COVID-19. SURJ Bay Area is a member of the statewide Housing Now Coalition. The coalition is co-sponsoring AB1436, which will help prevent a massive tidal wave of evictions due to COVID-19. You can play a crucial role in ensuring that millions of low-income renters in California, who are disproportionately people of color (POC), are not faced with displacement and homelessness during this public health crisis.
Quick overview of the legislation:
The ask: It is crucial that legislators hear from their constituents to counter the narrative from the California Apartment Association and other opponents of AB 1436. We need to let our representatives know that passing state legislation to prevent COVID-19 related evictions is the only way we will prevent massive evictions, displacement and a homelessness crisis even worse than what we face now. Help us pass AB1436 by...
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